

洪延青 网安寻路人 2020-11-22





第214节授权(Section 214 authorization)




由于新建“通信线路”需要FCC的事先授权,因此,新建从美国到外国的通信线路,也同样需要FCC的事先授权,因此就有了所谓的“国际第214节授权”(international Section 214 authorization)。

“国际性的第214节授权”(international Section 214 authorization)的主要种类

根据美国联邦条例法典(CFR)第47篇“电信行业条例”§63.18的规定,根据美国《通信法》第214节,寻求在美国与美国之外的任何地方(a foreign point)之间建立新的通信线路、收购或运营任何通信线路、利用现有线路或其延伸线路从事通信传送,用以提供公共运营商通信服务(common carrier communications services)的任何一方,都应向FCC正式申请许可。

§63.18   Contents of applications for international common carriers.

Except as otherwise provided in this part, any party seeking authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to construct a new line, or acquire or operate any line, or engage in transmission over or by means of such additional line for the provision of common carrier communications services between the United States, its territories or possessions, and a foreign point shall request such authority by formal application.


(10) COMMON CARRIER.--The term ''common carrier'' or ''carrier'' means any person engaged as a common carrier for hire, in interstate or foreign communication by wire or radio or in interstate or foreign radio transmission of energy, except where reference is made to common carriers not subject to this Act; but a person engaged in radio broadcasting shall not, insofar as such person is so engaged, be deemed a common carrier.

还是根据CFR第47篇§63.18的规定,申请人在申请“国际第214节授权”时,要选择具体的申请事项,主要是以下三大类:1)全球性的基于设施的权力(Global facilities-based authority);2)全球性的转售权力(Global Resale Authority);3)其他(根据FCC的相关问答,其他具体包括以下四种:“Individual Facilities-Based Service,” “Individual Resale Service,” “Individual Facilities-Based and Resale Service,” or “Other.”)。

(e) One or more of the following statements, as pertinent:

(1) Global facilities-based authority. If applying for authority to become a facilities-based international common carrier subject to §63.22 of this part, the applicant shall......

(2) Global Resale Authority. If applying for authority to resell the international services of authorized common carriers subject to §63.23, the applicant shall......

(3) Other authorizations. If applying for authority to acquire facilities or to provide services not covered by paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section, the applicant shall provide a description of the facilities and services for which it seeks authorization......

先来看看“全球性的基于设施的权力”(Global facilities-based authority)。根据CFR第47篇§63.09节的定义,基于设施的运营商是指“对国际通信基础设施美国端的容量(bare capacity)拥有所有权、不可废弃的使用权(IRU)或租赁权益的运营商,不管该国际通信基础设施是公共运营商或非公共运营商的海缆或卫星系统”。从该定义看,拥有这项权力就意味着运营商可以“登陆”美国。

Facilities-based carrier means a carrier that holds an ownership, indefeasible-right-of-user, or leasehold interest in bare capacity in the U.S. end of an international facility, regardless of whether the underlying facility is a common carrier or non-common carrier submarine cable or a satellite system.


§63.22   Facilities-based international common carriers.

The following conditions apply to authorized facilities-based international carriers:

(a) A carrier authorized under §63.18(e)(1) may provide international facilities-based services to international points for which it qualifies for non-dominant regulation as set forth in §63.10, except in the following circumstance: If the carrier is, or is affiliated with, a foreign carrier in a destination market and the Commission has not determined that the foreign carrier lacks market power in the destination market (see §63.10(a)), the carrier shall not provide service on that route unless it has received specific authority to do so under §63.18(e)(3).

(b) The carrier may provide service using half-circuits on any U.S. common carrier and non-common carrier facilities that do not appear on an exclusion list published by the Commission. Carriers may also use any necessary non-U.S.-licensed facilities, including any submarine cable systems, that do not appear on the exclusion list. Carriers may not use U.S. earth stations to access non-U.S.-licensed satellite systems unless the Commission has specifically approved the use of those satellites and so indicates on the exclusion list. The exclusion list is available from the International Bureau's World Wide Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/ib.

(c) Specific authority under §63.18(e)(3) is required for the carrier to provide service using any facilities listed on the exclusion list, to provide service between the United States and any country on the exclusion list, or to construct, acquire, or operate lines in any new major common carrier facility project.

(d) The carrier may provide international basic switched, private line, data, television and business services.


从CFR第47篇§63.23节来看,全球性的转售权力(Global Resale Authority)即是将自身或其他获得“全球性的基于设施的权力”的运营商的国际通信服务进行销售、专卖的权力。

§63.23   Resale-based international common carriers.

The following conditions apply to carriers authorized to resell the international services of other authorized carriers:

(a) A carrier authorized under §63.18(e)(2) may provide resold international services to international points for which the applicant qualifies for non-dominant regulation as set forth in §63.10, except that the carrier may not provide either of the following services unless it has received specific authority to do so under §63.18(e)(3):

(1) Resold switched services to a non-WTO Member country where the applicant is, or is affiliated with, a foreign carrier; and

(2) Switched or private line services over resold private lines to a destination market where the applicant is, or is affiliated with, a foreign carrier and the Commission has not determined that the foreign carrier lacks market power in the destination market (see §63.10(a)).

(b) The carrier may not resell the international services of an affiliated carrier regulated as dominant on the route to be served unless it has received specific authority to do so under §63.18(e)(3).

(c) Subject to the limitations specified in paragraph (b) of this section and in §63.17(b), the carrier may provide service by reselling the international services of any other authorized U.S. common carrier or foreign carrier, or by entering into a roaming or other arrangement with a foreign carrier, for the provision of international basic switched, private line, data, television and business services to all international points.

(d) The carrier may provide switched basic services over its authorized resold private lines in either of the following two circumstances:

(1) The country at the foreign end of the private line appears on the Commission's list of international routes exempted from the international settlements policy set forth in §64.1002 of this chapter; or

(2) The carrier is exchanging switched traffic with a foreign carrier that lacks market power in the country at the foreign end of the private line. A foreign carrier lacks market power for purposes of this section if it does not appear on the Commission's list of foreign carriers that do not qualify for the presumption that they lack market power in particular foreign points.

“国际性的第214节授权”(international Section 214 authorization)申请中的外资因素

  • 简化流程(Streamlined): 通常,FCC在受理按简化流程提交的214授权申请后30天内向申请者颁发许可。申请者的外资股权(ownership)占比不超过10% 才能适用于简化流程。

  • 常规流程(Non-Streamlined):不符合简化流程条件的所有申请者都将按常规流程进行审批。这种情况下,申请者需要接受FCC以及Team Telecom(美国电信小组)的严格审查。


在非无线服务(non-wireless services)方面,《通信法》没有明文禁止外国电信运营商为美国顾客提供服务,也没有要求外国电信运营商必须通过美国子公司来申请并持有第214节的授权。但如果申请第214节授权的申请人是:1)外国电信运营商;2)附属于一个或多个外国电信运营商的实体;3)为外国个人或实体直接或间接拥有10%或更多所有权的实体,则该申请一般会经历更严格和更多的限制。申请过程往往需要6个月或更长时间。这是因为FCC会将此类申请转给一个名为"电信小组"(Team Telecom)的部门间机构间审查机构,就有关国家安全、执法、外交政策和贸易问题等方面开展审查。




从上图可见,中国电信和联通均申请的是全球性的基于设施的权力(Global facilities-based authority),以及全球性的转售权力(Global Resale Authority)。




  1. 印度《2018个人数据保护法(草案)》全文翻译(中英对照版)(DPO沙龙出品)

  2. 巴西《通用数据保护法》全文中文翻译(DPO沙龙出品)

  3. 美国联邦隐私立法重要文件编译第一辑(DPO沙龙出品)

  4. 《非个人数据在欧盟境内自由流动框架条例》全文中文翻译(DPO沙龙出品)

  5. 第29条工作组《对第2016/679号条例(GDPR)下同意的解释指南》中文翻译(DPO沙龙出品)

  6. 第29条工作组“关于减轻对处理活动进行记录义务的立场文件”(DPO沙龙出品)

  7. 第29条工作组《第2/2017号关于工作中数据处理的意见》(DPO沙龙出品)

  8. “美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区诉Facebook“起诉书全文翻译(DPO沙龙出品)

  9. 第29条工作组《关于自动化个人决策目的和识别分析目的准则》(DPO沙龙出品)

  10. 法国数据保护局发布针对与商业伙伴或数据代理共享数据的指南

  11. 第29条工作组《数据可携权指南》全文翻译(DPO沙龙出品)

  12. 德国联邦反垄断局对Facebook数据收集和融合行为提出严格限制(DPO沙龙出品)

  13. 德国联邦反垄断局审查Facebook数据收集融合行为的背景情况(DPO沙龙出品)

  14. EDPB“关于《临床试验条例》与GDPR间相互关系”意见的全文翻译(DPO沙龙出品)

  15. 第29条工作组关于GDPR《透明度准则的指引》全文翻译(DPO沙龙出品)

  16. “108号公约”全文翻译(DPO沙龙出品)

  17. 美国司法部“云法案”白皮书全文翻译(DPO社群出品)

  18. EDPB关于GDPR中合同必要性指引的中文翻译(DPO沙龙出品)

  19. 新加坡《防止网络虚假信息和网络操纵法案》中文翻译(DPO沙龙出品)

  20. 英国ICO《广告技术和实时竞价的更新报告》中译文(DPO社群出品)

  21. “FTC与Facebook达成和解令的新闻通告”全文翻译(DPO社群出品)

  22. CJEU认定网站和嵌入的第三方代码成为共同数据控制者(DPO沙龙出品)

  23. FTC与Facebook“2019和解令”全文翻译(DPO社群出品)

  24. 英国ICO《数据共享行为守则》中译文(DPO社群出品)

  25. “hiQ Labs诉LinkedIn案上诉判决”中译文(DPO社群出品)

  26. 法国数据保护监管机构(CNIL)有关cookies和其他追踪方式的指引(全文翻译)

  27. 美加州消费者隐私法案(CCPA) 修正案汇总中译文(DPO沙龙出品)

  28. FTC“首次针对追踪类App提起诉讼”的官方声明中文翻译(DPO社群出品)

  29. ICDPPC关于隐私和消费者保护、竞争维护交叉问题决议的中文翻译(DPO社群出品)

  30. 德国关于确定企业GDPR相关罚款数额官方指南的中文翻译(DPO社群出品)

  31. 亚洲十四个国家和地区数据跨境制度报告中译本(DPO社群出品)

  32. 印度《个人数据保护法》(2019年草案)全文翻译(DPO社群出品)

  33. 法国数据保护局(CNIL)关于人脸识别报告的中译文(DPO社群出品)

  34. AEPD和EDPS | “哈希函数简介——用于个人数据假名化技术”中译文(DPO社群出品)

  35. 欧盟基本权利局“人脸识别技术”报告中文翻译(DPO社群出品)

  36. 联合发布 |《2020数字医疗:疫情防控新技术安全应用分析报告》

  37. 技术主权视野下的欧盟数字化转型战略探析(DPO社群出品)

  38. EDPB《车联网个人数据保护指南》全文翻译(DPO社群出品)

  39. 意大利数据保护机关就新冠疫情联防联控中个人信息问题的意见(DPO社群出品)

  40. 新版《个人信息安全规范》(35273-2020)正式发布


  1. 数据保护官(DPO)沙龙第一期纪实

  2. 第二期数据保护官沙龙纪实:个人信息安全影响评估指南 

  3. 第三期数据保护官沙龙纪实:数据出境安全评估

  4. 第四期数据保护官沙龙纪实:网络爬虫的法律规制

  5. 第四期数据保护官沙龙纪实之二:当爬虫遇上法律会有什么风险

  6. 第五期数据保护官沙龙纪实:美国联邦隐私立法重要文件讨论

  7. 数据保护官(DPO)沙龙走进燕园系列活动第一期

  8. 第六期数据保护官沙龙纪实:2018年隐私条款评审工作

  9. 第八期数据保护官沙龙纪实:重点行业数据、隐私及网络安全

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  11. 第十期数据保护官沙龙纪实:数据融合可给企业赋能,但不能不问西东

  12. 第十一期数据保护官沙龙纪实:企业如何看住自家的数据资产?这里有份权威的安全指南

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  18. 与欧美一流数据保护专家面对面(DPO沙龙特别活动)

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  20. 第十八期DPO沙龙纪实:生物识别信息的安全保护


  1. 欧盟基本权利局“人脸识别技术”报告中文翻译(DPO社群出品)

  2. 法国数据保护局(CNIL)关于人脸识别报告的中译文(DPO社群出品)

  3. 零售门店使用人脸识别技术的主要法律问题(DPO社群成员观点)

  4. 人脸识别技术的规制框架(PPT+讲稿)

  5. 人脸识别技术运用的六大场景及法律规制框架的适配(DPO社群成员观点)

  6. 解读世界首例警方使用人脸识别技术合法性判决(DPO社群成员观点)

  7. 人脸识别技术的法律规制研究初探(DPO社群成员观点)

  8. 美国联邦隐私保护立法草案研究(四):“生物识别信息”


  1. 美国联邦隐私保护立法草案研究(一):“行为个性化”

  2. 美国联邦隐私保护立法草案研究(二):“个人敏感信息”

  3. 美国联邦隐私保护立法草案研究(三):“个人敏感信息”的保护规则

  4. 美国联邦隐私保护立法草案研究(四):“生物识别信息”


  1. 传染病疫情防控与个人信息保护初探之一:个人信息的性质

  2. 传染病疫情防控与个人信息保护初探之二:同意的例外

  3. 传染病疫情防控与个人信息保护初探之三:数据技术的应用路径

  4. 传染病疫情防控与个人信息保护初探之四:接触追踪的数据共享安全规范

  5. 传染病疫情防控与个人信息保护初探之五:电信数据的安全规范

  6. 传染病疫情防控与个人信息保护初探之六:GDPR框架下的公共卫生数据共享

  7. 传染病疫情防控与个人信息保护初探之七:美国公共卫生机构的数据调取权力

  8. 传染病疫情防控与个人信息保护初探之完结篇:解读中央网信办通知

  9. 欧盟国家和英国的数据保护部门对疫情防控的官方意见汇总(DPO社群出品)

  10. 美国疫情防控中的关键基础设施的识别和认定(DPO社群出品)

  11. 意大利数据保护机关就新冠疫情联防联控中个人信息问题的意见(DPO社群出品)

  12. 欧委会关于新冠疫情中利用移动数据和应用官方建议的全文翻译(DPO沙龙出品) 

  13. 漫画图解苹果和谷歌联手开发的接触追踪应用的基本原理             


