
浮于林间绿意的城市展厅:武汉新城展示中心 | 道合设计

道合设计 看见景观

Background And Current Situation



Floating in the greenery of the forest, design inspiration arises spontaneously, with order and subtle changes hidden in the flow, and lightness and vitality in the heaviness. The clear and concise space interprets the unique aesthetics of the city exhibition hall, emphasizing the interconnection between space and environment, thereby eliminating the boundary between the site and nature, and cleverly transforming a new face of the future city into a place where viewers can immerse themselves in nature and their hearts, encouraging people to walk out of the solidified space and return to nature.



Ecological connection with community emotions

Shaping the source of regional vitality and jointly building a green corridor park community


Background And Current Situation



The project is located in the ecological landscape area of Honglian Lake, occupies the core area of science and technology of Honglian Lake Industrial Park, and is connected to the regional axis park. It has a superior ecological foundation and a rare park green vein in the city center. The project covers a total area of 21,000 square meters. As an urban display interface, the project design focuses on the mutual relationship between the site and the park, emphasizes reasonable planning and organization of space, and is committed to forming a modern urban exhibition hall with water and green interweaving and comfortable and pleasant.


Design principles



The front of the site is an office square, with a height difference of about 1.9m from the highest point of the municipal sidewalk. The back is connected to the existing green park, with a height difference of about 4m. The design reorganizes the flow of people. The front is based on the prototype of an open city living room. Through the extension of green veins, the site space is finely divided to present a multi-dimensional complex square space. The back is infiltrated by the green corridor to achieve the ecological integration of the park and the site, providing people with a leisure space close to nature.

Spatial Expression



The front space of the office is a curved corridor under the light and shadow of the big tree, and the site is surrounded by a flowing green island. Through multi-faceted reshaping, a square with rich landscape and complex functional space is created, which can meet the diverse needs of different groups of people for large square space and small-scale rest space for relatives.



Zhuying Plaza



Green permeates the site, and modern architecture meets the urban oasis, creating a city image characterized by art and vitality. By combining the floating green island with the large bridge, a large green plaza of about 2,500 square meters is enclosed.



Greenery and tranquility interweave into a harmonious scene, the water surface gently stretches out at the entrance, welcoming every visitor. The tall trees sway, and together with the deep blue sky, a tranquil image is reflected in the water.




A light breeze blew by, creating layers of ripples that sparkled and shimmered like gold under the warm sunshine.


Floating Forest Islands



Entering the depths of the site, we are greeted by mottled shade and the tranquility of the forest. The smooth and dynamic spatial boundaries guide us to move forward, and the scenery in front of us becomes comfortable and intimate. The rolling green hills and winding paths provide a space that is close to human scale and integrated with nature.




The collision of straight and curved elements combines opposing elements such as publicity and restraint, hardness and softness. The layers of platforms, waterscapes and greenery make the building seem to float above the forest.



From the macro space of the vast square to the delicate scene of pleasant landscape, strolling along the path surrounded by flowers and plants, stepping into the gorgeous and colorful scroll of art, you will gradually immerse yourself in the harmonious symphony of art and nature.




Wind Whispering Hill Valley



The entrance of the office space cleverly uses a rhythmic design of high and low, which makes people stop for a while. A simple and elegant LOGO comes into view, like a sign deep in the forest, leading people to step in slowly, creating an office experience like wandering in the jungle.



Spatial Expression



The backyard integrates the site and the park organically with the concept of natural harmony. The humanized structure and unique layout form an open and artistic leisure living space. The rigid boundaries of the park are melted, and the lush green veins extend to this world, building a harmonious picture of resonance between man and nature, creating a backyard garden rich in negative oxygen ions, a relaxing and pleasant leisure landscape.





The clever interweaving of materials and lines continues the splendor of the front space, sketching out a livable picture overflowing with elegance and warmth.


Craftsmanship Details







“客观世界的视觉现象本身是无意义的,有意义的东西是感觉,因而是与环境完全隔绝的,要使之唤起感觉。” ——马列维奇

"The visual phenomena of the objective world are meaningless in themselves. What is meaningful is sensation, which is completely isolated from the environment and needs to arouse sensation." - Malevich


The project aims to design an art exhibition hall that showcases the city's image, which not only carries different urban functions, but also leads the future high-quality life. It forms an exhibition center based on natural greenery, integrating ecology, art, and technology, and strives to bloom its ecological beauty and humanistic light, continuously promoting the overall improvement of the comprehensive value of the region, adding color to the painting scroll and shining like stars.



Project Information






王翔 周权 宁博 丁姗 黄河清 谭伟生 秦耕 王雨晨 吴丹 向上


高勇 龙雁玲 赵磊 杨林  林君韬 李莉  罗辉超 吴帆 潘雪飞 段厚银 马藤心 朱礼霞 郑胜华

品质服务(驻场设计师):童柏树 周权



摄影 : 三棱镜摄影

Project name: Wuhan New Town Exhibition Center

Project location: Wuhan

Owner: Hubei Liantou Huarong Investment Co., Ltd.

Landscape area: 15,813 m2

Leader of the consortium: Hubei Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd.

Wang Xiang, Zhou Quan, Ning Bo, Ding Shan, Huang Heqing, Tan Weisheng, Qin Geng, Wang Yuchen, Wu Dan, Xiangshang

Design team: Chongqing Daohe Garden Landscape Planning and Design Co., Ltd.

Gao Yong, Long Yanling, Zhao Lei, Yang Lin, Lin Juntao, Li Li, Luo Huichao, Wu Fan, Pan Xuefei, Duan Houyin, Ma Tengxin, Zhu Lixia, Zheng Shenghua

Quality service (resident designer): Tong Baishu, Zhou Quan

General contractor: Hubei Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd.

Press planning and writing: Daohe Brand Department

Photography: Prism Photography

感谢 道合设计


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项目频道 / 美学频道 / 纪律片频道/考察频道 更新中




国际报奖资讯 | 景观篇 2024年7月-10月

国际报奖资讯 | 建筑篇 2024年6月-11月

国际报奖资讯 | 室内篇 2024年2月-9月


第四代住宅 福州 7.19-7.20



林溪 度假居所:义乌 华润置地·孝子祠澐璟 | 季相设计

迈向公民性景观:西安 招商·招商揽阅 | 上海日清景观

岭南庭院的现代精神:广州 路劲美的·隽樾府 | LA GROUP 奥雅股份

安缦隐奢美学 东方拙朴奢居:西安 龙湖星河 云河颂 | GVL怡境

行望与居游:青岛 中海寰宇時代雲境 | USAD都境景观

「間」的想象与实践:西安 云缦玫瑰园 | SPI山水比德

大宅之尊 意境东方:江门 保利·琅悦 | 普邦设计

700年的海与風:三亚 保利 · 棠隐 | 域道景观


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